
Installing on CentOS 6

Installation for CentOS 6 is straightforward. We provide a YUM repository that you can add to your server to install Malscan and keep it up to date.

Installing Our Repo

Connect to your server via SSH, and using root create the file /etc/yum.repos.d/malscan.repo with the contents:


Installing Malscan

Once the Malscan repo has been created you can install malscan:

yum install malscan

For the initial installation, YUM will notify you that it needs to import the GPG key used to sign our packages. Accept this.

Retrieving key from
Importing GPG key 0x82D4223F:
 Userid     : "Josh Grancell <>"
 Fingerprint: 42a4 57b9 9bac dbad 57ec 978a bb80 6cb6 82d4 223f
 From       :
Is this ok [y/N]: y

Once this is complete you can test your Malscan installation by running malscan -h or malscan --help:

[root@server:~]$ malscan -h
Malscan version 1.7.1-2
    malscan [parameters] [target]

Scan Parameters:
    -a                        - Malware signature scan mode
    -l                        - String scan mode
    -m                        - File extension match scan mode
    -q                        - Quarantine mode (implies -a)

Tripwire Mode:
    -t                        - Compares all files in the directory tree against known versions in the Whitelist DB.
    -w                        - Whitelists all files in the specified directory tree.

Other Parameters:
    -c                        - Shows all configuration options and values
    -s [option name] [value]  - Sets a configuration option to a value
    -u                        - Updates all signature databases
    -v                        - Shows the application and signature database versions

Use the command man malscan to view the manpage for more information.

You should manually update your Malscan installation the first time with malscan -u. This can take several minutes the first time it is run.

[root@server:~]$ malscan -u
Malscan Version: 1.7.1-2 | Signatures last updated: Never

  * Update: Downloading the latest Malscan malware definitions.
  - Update: Malscan signatures updated. 14494 new signatures added to database.

  - Update: Updating ClamAV definitions. This can take a long time.
  - Update: ClamAV malware definitions have been updated.

  * Update: Malscan signatures updated.

Finally, you can create a cronjob that sets malscan to auto-update nightly at 2am by opening /etc/crontab and adding:

0 2 * * * root /usr/local/bin/malscan -u

You can of course set the cronjob to run more frequently or at a different time. You can also set up nightly scans by copying the same line above but substituting malscan -u for malscan -a /path/to/scan/target